#eye #eye
IV Chan

[When you are not around]


In this series, I attempt to explore our complicated relationship with our bodies and their innate functions, which are often approached with and understood through guilt and shame. Drawing on Freudian theories of infantile sexuality and the Oedipus complex, I create sprawling soft sculptures that aim to release repressed bodily urges and subconscious fantasies—from excretion and masturbation to monstrous dreams and maternal longing. What is usually perceived as disgusting and sordid, I present as playful forms that emerge from vibrant textiles and intricately embroidered beadwork.


The Triumph of ... 
fabric, beads, cotton stuffing,thread, rattle insert, animal ride-ons compartments


To be an Orchid 
fabric, beads, cotton stuffing,thread, rattle insert, animal ride-ons compartments


The Kiss 
fabric, cotton stuffing,thread, animal ride-ons compartments

The Secret Keeper
fabric, beads, cotton stuffing, thread, animal ride-ons compartments

Spreading like a butterfly
fabric, beads, cotton stuffing,thread, rattle insert, animal ride-ons compartments

Kite Runner
fabric, cotton stuffing,thread, rattle insert, animal ride-ons compartments

(above works previously shown at Square Street Gallery, HK curated by Aaditya Sathish and KY Wong + Abu Dhabi ‘23)
